Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Globe's service is really really lousy

I've just finished another bout with one of Globe's customer service representative. Honestly. Having to call them every month just to get my billing statement is really a pain in the butt. That's only half of it. Unfortunately for me this fiasco has been going on for more than a year now. Every time it's the same thing. They tell me that they processed a report and will be fixing the problem during my next billing period. More than a year later nothing has been fixed and I'm pretty damn tired of having to talk to those useless customer service reps every single month.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wishing for the rain

Summer has really been hell here in Manila. Imagine spending your afternoon under 36.5 degrees C temperatures. It's enough to drive anyone mad. It was a bit cloudy last night, and there was even some thunder and lightning. There was no rain though, but the temperature did go down to a very comfortable level. Being born under Pisces I guess I am more attuned to water (but I don't really believe in all that hogwash).

I guess one really good thing about this inferno of a weather we're having is that I always look forward to going to work. Spending the entire day in an airconditioned building is one good way to beat this skin biting summer heat.

I know what most of you are thinking. The rainy season also ushers in floods and what not, but at least there's no heat. Honestly speaking, I'd rather walk under the rain than under the blazing sun.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Cebu May 2014

Just came back from Cebu and I already miss the place. I went home last week to attend my daughter's graduation ceremony (YAY!!!!). Unfortunately my stay was too short. I would have loved to spend more time with my daughter. Surprisingly enough, the weather was cooler in Cebu than it was here in Manila. It was hot, but not as hot as it is here. 

I miss Cebu. I miss my daughter. I can't wait for my next trip there.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Starting Fresh

Hello all. Thanks for dropping by my blog. This is like the nth blog I've created and hopefully the one that will last because most of my blogs don't really survive that long. I create one, write some articles and then completely forget about it altogether. I'm hoping to change all of that with this new blog. Why start a new one you say? Well I guess it's just my preference but I would rather start a new blog under a new name rather than making changes to an already existing blog. I guess that's just the way I am. As you can see from my url, "everythingallaround" means exactly that, everything that's all around us; which means this blog doesn't really target anything specific. It's a good way of not restricting myself to specific topics, giving myself a chance to be more creative.