Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Goodbye summer, hello floods and wet socks

Well, the rainy season has officially started here in the Philippines. This puts an end to months of scorching hot weather, many sweaty and sleepless nights and insanely high electric bills because of the airconditioners being on 24/7.

But now we face another problem. With the advent of the rainy season you can be sure that flooding is always close by. And probably one of the things that I truly hate about the rainy season are wet socks. I just hate that squishy feeling you get inside your shoes once the water manages to seep through those small cracks underneath your shoes.

Wet socks can instantly ruin my day. Like 10 out of 10 times wet socks can really piss me off. Unfortunately that's exactly what happened on my way to work today. It was bright and sunny when I stepped out of the apartment, but on my way to where I wait for jeepneys the rain suddenly fell and my shoes and socks were soaking up every drop.

Needless to say I was in a very, very bad mood going to the office. Thank God for bacon and eggs.

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